Can kidney disease be reversed?

The kidneys are part of the body's filtering system, helping to rid it of toxins and wastes while ensuring that essential vitamins and nutrients get into our bloodstream.

Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition that results in the steady loss of normal kidney function. Left untreated, it can cause many health issues, including a complete loss of kidney function, requiring dialysis, or a kidney transplant.  

Nearly 37 million Americans suffer from chronic kidney disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to reverse kidney disease

Although kidney disease cannot be reversed, there are measures you can take to slow the progression of the disease. By working with a nephrologist, making lifestyle and diet changes, and taking prescribed medications, those with chronic kidney disease can improve their well-being and manage the disease.

This post will answer some of the most common questions regarding chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, and the ability to reverse its effects.

Can kidneys repair themselves?

Although damaged kidneys cannot typically repair themselves, Acute kidney failure is treatable when caught early enough. However, the process may take months and require regular monitoring, changes in diet, and prescription medications.

On the other hand, chronic kidney failure is usually irreversible as there is no cure beyond dialysis or a kidney transplant if the disease reaches that stage. Usually, when caught early, anyone diagnosed with chronic kidney disease can slow the disease's progression with a nephrologist's help.

Do kidneys regenerate?

A 2014 Standford University study found that our kidneys regenerate and repair themselves throughout our lifetime, and some preliminary studies into regeneration through stem cell therapy have shown great promise. However, more research is needed.  

Can kidney failure due to dehydration be reversed?

Dehydration, which is a health condition characterized by an excessive loss of water in the body, can cause acute kidney failure. With proper treatment, the effects of kidney failure due to dehydration are reversible, and the patient can recover with no long-term kidney damage.

Can you reverse kidney damage from diabetes?

Although it isn't possible to reverse kidney damage from diabetes, you can take specific measures to delay or prevent the progression of kidney disease. Evidence has shown that those who have diabetes can maintain the health of their kidneys by managing their blood glucose levels, keeping them within the target range.

Can kidney function improve?

Doctors rely on what is known as an eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rates) blood test as an indicator of our overall kidney function. This test measures creatinine levels in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product of regular muscle activity.

Since the kidneys are the blood's waste filtration system, as kidney function diminishes, less creatinine is removed from the blood, and serum creatinine levels rise. Improving kidney function and GFR rates through diet and exercise is possible.

You can improve kidney function and overall health by practicing healthy habits, including regular exercise and eating well.

Healthy food choices can improve kidney function

Making the following changes to your diet can have a positive effect on your overall health and can play a role in improving kidney function:

  • Choose fresh vegetables and fruits instead of processed foods.

  • Adhere to a low salt diet, especially if you have high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, swelling, or protein in your urine. A sodium intake of less than 2000mg daily is recommended.

  • Limit your protein intake if you suffer from moderate to advanced kidney disease and are not on dialysis. Although high-protein diets encourage weight loss and are safe for individuals with normal kidney function, they can strain damaged kidneys. On the other hand, diets that are low in protein may cause muscle loss. Therefore, working with a renal dietitian to improve kidney function is essential.

  • Those with kidney disease will need to limit their intake of potassium. It’s usually recommended to limit potassium to less than 2,000 mg per day.

  • Since damaged kidneys can’t remove excess phosphorus and high levels can cause damage to the body, those with kidney disease will need to restrict dietary phosphorus to less than 800–1,000 mg per day.

Exercise can improve kidney function

Some studies have shown that exercise is a critical factor in improving kidney function. So, being active while maintaining a healthy weight is essential to kidney health.

Talk to your dietitian or nephrologist if you are overweight.  

How to reverse Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5

When someone is diagnosed with stage 5 kidney disease, also known as end-stage kidney disease, it means that their kidneys have either stopped working entirely or will soon cease functioning.

A successful kidney transplant is the only way to reverse stage 5 chronic kidney disease.

A kidney transplant involves the patient receiving a new, healthy kidney, through surgery, from a living or deceased donor.

Reversing kidney disease and kidney damage

Acute kidney failure due to low blood flow due to bleeding, excessive vomiting, diarrhea, or severe dehydration, is a reversible condition that, when appropriately treated, can have little to no long-term effects on kidney function. On the other hand, chronic kidney disease is irreversible and has no cure.

Doctors use various methods to slow kidney damage in patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. While chronic kidney disease can be progressive, this treatment can help slow the progression. In addition, healthy lifestyle changes will also have a positive effect.

The earlier kidney disease is detected, the better chance the patient has of slowing the progression of the disease. Unfortunately, early-stage kidney disease does not always have obvious symptoms, and many people aren't diagnosed until it has advanced. So, early detection is critical.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, the staff at Reset Kidney Health is here to help. We know from experience that, although kidney disease is not reversible, early treatment saves lives. With Reset, you can easily schedule appointments with world-class kidney specialists to get exceptional treatment from the comfort of your home. Reset Kidney Health is now accepting new patients, so book an appointment today to find out how we can help you.

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