Kidney disease and weight loss: what you need to know

The first thing you learn when you are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is that you will need to make specific lifestyle changes to slow the progression of the disease. That includes watching what and how much you eat or drink to manage your weight and protect your kidney function. 

Often, being overweight leads to or worsens other health issues such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and type 2 diabetes, two conditions that are known kidney disease risk factors. In addition, studies have shown that obesity increases an individual's risk of developing CKD by up to 25%.

Fortunately, weight loss with kidney disease and a kidney-friendly diet helps lower the risk of developing other health complications. It can also preserve kidney function in those diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Read on to discover more about the relationship between kidney disease and weight loss as we answer the question, can weight loss improve kidney function?

Can losing weight improve kidney function?

The answer is a resounding yes!

There are many benefits to healthy weight maintenance, whether you have been diagnosed with kidney disease or not, including reduced health complications and increased energy. However, maintaining a healthy weight is vital for chronic kidney disease patients.

Losing the extra weight can lower cardiovascular and immune system stress, keeping you healthier for longer. Losing weight also reduces hypertension and diabetes risks.

If you already have these conditions, as many kidney disease patients often do, losing weight promotes better management. For example, research has shown that losing weight improves the body's insulin use, which can help type 2 diabetes patients control their blood sugar levels and help reduce their reliance on medications.

Weight has also been linked to high blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association, your risk of hypertension increases as you gain weight. Conversely, maintaining a healthy weight can lower blood pressure and reduce stroke and heart disease risk.

A kidney-friendly diet is one way to start on a path toward kidney disease weight loss and better overall kidney health.

How to lose weight to manage kidney disease

According to the National Institutes of Health, diet and lifestyle recommendations vary according to chronic kidney disease stages. However, paying attention to what you eat or drink, exercising, and making other lifestyle changes can positively impact your kidney function, improve your well-being, and help you lose weight.

It is common for CKD patients to experience kidney disease weight gain related to fluid management. Because the kidneys are the body's filtering system, patients may experience weight fluctuations because of fluid buildup. Managing fluid intake is also essential in avoiding fluid overload on the kidneys.

Managing your weight helps control your kidney health and reduces the risk of developing other chronic conditions. If you want to lose weight, work closely with your nephrologist and renal nutritionist, who will help you create a safe and effective weight-loss plan based on your individual needs.

Here are some suggestions that can help those with kidney disease lose or maintain weight:

  1. Opt for fresh foods: Veggies and fruits are much healthier than processed or fast foods for weight loss because they are generally lower in calories. So, the next time you reach for a snack, go for a piece of fruit instead of choosing that bag of chips.

  2. Always read the nutrition labels: By reading the nutrition labels on the foods you eat, you'll be better able to make healthier choices. Pay attention to calorie contents and serving sizes, and be on the lookout for certain ingredients you should be limiting, like saturated fats and sugar. Also, choose foods high in fiber to help promote weight loss.

  3. Monitor protein intake: Protein in the body creates a waste product called urea. As kidney function decreases due to CKD,  the kidneys might have difficulty removing urea from the blood. Although a balanced diet that includes protein is essential for overall health, you might have to control your portion sizes and frequency of eating protein-rich foods. Whenever possible, kidney disease patients should choose fresh, lean meats and plant-based options and avoid processed proteins such as chicken nuggets or hot dogs altogether.

  4. Consider switching to a plant-based diet: Plant-rich diets can encourage weight loss, slow kidney disease progression, improve blood pressure, and help to manage diabetes. High in vitamins and fiber, plant-rich foods help you to feel full longer, thus reducing food intake and promoting healthy weight loss.

  5. Limit calorie intake: Because unused calories are stored in the body as fat, reducing calorie intake can help you lose weight. By choosing low-calorie foods, such as fruits and veggies, and avoiding baked sweets, and fried or processed foods, you can prevent unwanted weight gain by cutting out the unhealthy fats and sugars they contain.

  6. Manage stress: Stress can harm your weight loss efforts and undermine overall health. Practice stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to manage stress better.

  7. Regularly Exercise: Besides a healthy and well-balanced diet, regular exercise will improve your overall health and help you lose weight. You can get your body moving just with a simple walk. Start by dedicating just 15 minutes each day to exercise, and you can work your way up to becoming more active.

  8. Get proper rest: Sleep is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help your body function optimally and support your weight loss efforts.

  9. Monitor your progress: Keep track of your weight loss progress to stay motivated and adjust your plan as needed with the help of your clinical team.

Weight loss with kidney disease

If left untreated, kidney disease is progressive and can lead to severe health complications.

One of the best ways to manage kidney disease is through weight loss. Losing weight can reduce the strain on the kidneys, manage other health problems contributing to kidney disease, and improve overall health and well-being.

If you have chronic kidney disease and want to lose weight, the Reset Kidney Health team is here to help. We know from experience that early treatment for kidney disease, including lifestyle changes, saves lives. With Reset, you can easily schedule appointments with our world-class kidney specialists and renal nutritionists to manage your weight for optimal kidney health, all from the comfort of your home. We are currently accepting new patients. Contact us today to speak with a member of our care team. 

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